My parents are in town this weekend so we’ve got a weekend of Fort Wayne planned โ€” the zoo, the farmer’s market and a Tincaps game with fireworks!

Made my 2,000th check in on Foursquare / Swarm this weekend. I don’t use the social aspect much, I just love having a log of all the amazing places I’ve been over the last 8 years.

Weโ€™re halfway through the new season of Stranger Things and loving it! I have no idea how theyโ€™re going to resolve all of this in the next 4 episodes. ๐Ÿ“บ

Road tripping with the dog to North Carolina. Stopped in Ohio for a short but intense hike in Scioto Trail State Forest. ๐Ÿถ ๐Ÿ—บ

Dog on hiking trail

Having a kid has definitely increased my post-4pm coffee consumption at the office. No more coming home from work and just crashing!

It sadly looks like it’s going to be a short playoff run for the Pens this year. Isles have completely outplayed us in every part of the game this series. ๐Ÿ’

Traveling to southern Oregon / northern California this week for a family wedding. Planning on driving up to Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument on our free day Thursday. Anyone been and have any travel tips? ๐Ÿ—บ

Curren and I at the Komets game

We took Curren to his first hockey game last night and saw Fort Wayne play the Penguins’ ECHL affiliate. He was actually pretty intrigued by the game and of course devoured a huge slice of pizza all by himself. ?

Making an extra cup of coffee this morning after staying up late last night shooing a bat out of our bedroom!