I love having a wood burning fireplace at our new house. I got a wood splitter for Christmas and with all the wood on our property we’re set for years.

Curren is like Sonic the Hedgehog these days. Drop him down and he starts racing off as fast as he can. We had a blast at the park yesterday letting him go as far as he wanted.

Curren running

Today it was dry and below freezing in Indiana so naturally I spent the entire day moving leaves, acorns, wood and dog poop to various locations around my yard.

Yesterday I said goodbye to the Ford Escape I’ve owned for the last fourteen years. I drove it from sea to shining sea — 25 states, 3 provinces, and the District of Columbia.

Today I’m thankful for neighbors who see a man with way too small of a leaf blower for his yard and come to help bearing bigger engines.

The only thing worse than assembling IKEA flat pack furniture is assembling flat pack furniture made by literally any other company.

Currently the first thing my son does in the morning after he wakes up is say “uh-oh” really loud and it’s my favorite thing in the world right now.

We’re hanging as a family in the Traverse City, MI area for the week so my wife can get some study time for her upcoming boards examination. After 3 months in the plains, these Pennsylvanians are so excited to be back up int he mountains and trees.